Research Groups


2nd BMLS student symposium

On 09th of December 2015, BMLS students gathered at the 2nd BMLS Student Symposium. This was the second year in a row BMLS students organized a symposium only for students (PhD students, Master and Bachelor students) and post-docs, giving the opportunity to practice conference-like situations, such as giving a scientific talk or having a poster presentation, but also engaging in networking and scientific discussions. In the first part of the symposium six talks were given by PhD students from several groups. As an addition this year, the following talk was held by an external speaker. Dr. Lothar Meier from the Infraserv Hoechst AG was invited to introduce the industry park Hoechst by illustrating its history and future developments, and how academics can contribute to this concept.

The second part of the symposium began with a 2 minute poster presentation designed for each of the fifteen poster authors to announce and present their poster to the audience, followed by the poster session. At the end of this event, a prize (kindly donated by BMLS group leaders and CEF) for the best talk with the title "Save a dinosaur, fuel your car with yeast" was awarded to Jan Gajewski from the group of Martin Grininger. The prize for the best poster with the title "Structural study of autophagy adapter proteins" was awarded to Daichi Murata from the group of Masato Akutsu.

About 50 participants from the institute, including the participants from groups of external associates of BMLS, contributed to this successful event. We are looking forward to continue with this symposium series in the following years.

